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Denise Laugesen REALTOR® (650) 465-5742

Cortney Laugesen REALTOR® 650-678-5084


October 31, 2024

Hogyan válasszon megfelelő nyerőgépet a Fairspin kaszinóban

A választás egy megfelelő nyerőgép a kaszinóban lehet kulcsfontosságú a játékélmény javításához. A kiválasztott játék témája, bónusz funkciók és volatilitás mind hatással lehetnek a játékélményre és az esetleges nyereményekre.

Fontos figyelembe venni az egyes játékok RTP értékét, ami meghatározza, hogy milyen gyakran nyerhetünk, valamint milyen nagy összeget nyerhetünk vissza a befektetett pénzből. Néhány tipp és ajánlás segíthet abban, hogy megtaláld a számodra legmegfelelőbb nyerőgépet a Fairspin kaszinóban.

A személyes preferenciák fontossága

Az online kaszinójáték során a személyes preferenciák meghatározó szerepet játszanak a játékélményben. A témák, a nyerőgép választás, a volatilitás, a bónusz funkciók és az rtp mind-mind befolyásolják a játékos élményét a Fairspin kaszinóban. Fontos, hogy figyelembe vegyük ezeket a preferenciákat, hogy a legmegfelelőbb játékot válasszuk, amely maximálisan kielégíti az egyéni igényeket.

Az egyedi játékstílus kiválasztása

Az online kaszinókban a játékosok számos különböző nyerőgépet találhatnak, melyek mindegyike egyedi játékélményt kínál. Fontos szem előtt tartani a személyes preferenciákat és játékstílust, amikor nyerőgépet választasz a Fairspin kaszinón. Javasoljuk, hogy vedd figyelembe más játékosok véleményeit, hogy a legjobb döntést hozd.

  • Figyeld az egyes játékok Return to Player (RTP) arányát, ami azt mutatja meg, mennyit fizet vissza a játék a befizetett összegből.
  • Tanulmányozd az ajánlásokat és tippeket más játékosoktól, hogy megtudd, milyen játékokat érdemes kipróbálnod a kaszinóban.
  • Ne felejtsd el figyelembe venni a játékok volatilitását és bónusz funkcióit is, melyek sokat befolyásolhatják a játékélményt és nyerési esélyeidet.

A játékgép kifizetési arányainak elemzése

Az ajánlások, volatilitás és témák fontos szerepet játszanak a fairspin kaszinóban. Az egyedi játékélmény és a játékos vélemények alapján döntést hozhat a bónusz funkciók és az rtp alapján. A tippek segítenek a megfelelő játékgép kiválasztásában.

A nyerési esélyek és kockázatok összehasonlítása

Az online kaszinó játékgépek kiválasztásakor fontos figyelembe venni a nyerési esélyeket és a potenciális kockázatokat. Az ajánlások és bónusz funkciók mellett érdemes figyelembe venni a játékosok véleményeit is, hogy minél jobb játékélményben részesüljünk.

Fontos témák még a játékgépek volatilitása és az RTP (Return to Player) százalék, amelyek alapján képet kaphatunk arról, hogy mennyire kiszámítható és jövedelmező adott játékgép. A megfelelő játékstílus kiválasztása segíthet abban, hogy a legjobb eredményeket érjük el a Fairspin kaszinóban.

A kaszinó hírnevénak, licencének és biztonságának ellenőrzése

Játékos vélemények, RTP, bónusz funkciók, volatilitás és tippek mind fontos szempontok, amikor a fairspin kaszinó témában játszol. Az ajánlások és a játék élmény alapján válaszd ki a megfelelő nyerőgépet a kaszinóban.

A megbízható online kaszinók kulcsfontosságú jellemzői

A bónusz funkciók, ajánlások, valamint a játékosok véleményei sokat elárulnak egy online kaszinó megbízhatóságáról és minőségéről. Emellett fontos figyelembe venni a volatilitást, amely megmutatja, milyen gyakran és mennyi nyereményt lehet elvárni a játék során.

A játék élményt és szórakozást nagyban befolyásolja a játék stílusa, valamint a témák sokfélesége. Szintén fontos tényező a RTP (Return to Player) aránya, amely megmutatja, mennyi pénzt nyerhet vissza a játékos a befizetéseiből hosszú távon.

A nyerési esélyek és kockázatok összehasonlítása
A kaszinó hírnevének, licencének és biztonságának ellenőrzése
By Admin
April 24, 2023

Think Twice Before Waiting for Lower Home Prices or Interest Rates.

The dream of owning a home is something that most people aspire to achieve at some point in their lives. However, deciding when to take the plunge and purchase a home is often complicated by the desire to wait for lower home prices. While waiting for a better deal may seem like a wise choice, there are several factors to consider before deciding to hold off on buying a home.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that trying to time the housing market is risky. Home prices can be affected by a multitude of factors, such as the economy, interest rates, and supply and demand. Trying to predict how all of these factors will interact with one another can be challenging, if not impossible.

Furthermore, waiting for lower home prices may result in missed opportunities. For example, interest rates may rise, making it more difficult to secure a mortgage with a low-interest rate. Additionally, the cost of renting a home may increase, making buying sooner rather than later financially more attractive.

Another consideration is that regional and local factors can influence housing prices. While waiting for a dip in national housing prices may be tempting, your local market may not follow the same trend. Thus, the timing of purchasing a home may ultimately depend on where you live.

Moreover, delaying the purchase of a home can have hidden costs. For instance, if you continue renting, you may be losing out on the tax benefits of homeownership, such as mortgage interest deductions. Additionally, if you wait too long, you may end up spending more on rent than you would have spent on a mortgage payment.

Ultimately, the decision of when to purchase a home should be based on your personal circumstances and financial situation. If you have a stable job and plan to stay in the area for several years, buying a home may make sense regardless of current housing prices. Conversely, if you are uncertain about your future plans or your job stability, it may be wise to hold off on purchasing a home until your circumstances become clearer.

In conclusion, while waiting for lower home prices may seem like a sound strategy, it is important to consider the risks and hidden costs involved. Instead, focus on your personal circumstances and financial situation when deciding whether to purchase a home. By doing so, you will be better equipped to make an informed decision that is right for you.


IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT SELLING your Bay Area property, it is important you hire a real estate team of professionals with an extensive portfolio of home sales, a significant list of happy clients and a history of excellence.

The Laugesen Team has the experience, connections and creativity to list and sell your distinctive property successfully.

• Pricing for Success
• Prepare for Top Sale
• Impressive Marketing
• State of the Art Technology
• Network with other High-End Agents

• Always available to show qualified buyers and agents.
• Schedule Open Houses and Broker’s Tour
• Follow-Up Quickly and Consistently
• Immediately respond to all leads.
• Encourage serious buyers to make serious offers.
• Facilitate the closing process to ensure a successful, competitively priced, stress-free sale.

By cortney
March 2, 2023

Should You Rent or Buy a Home?

Renting or buying is one of the most common decisions people struggle to make when finding a new place to call home.

Aside from the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with becoming a homeowner, many other reasons make buying the apparent choice.

But before we dive in, we know that buying a home comes at a cost that may seem out of reach to some. Therefore, we always encourage you to consult with an expert to find out your options.

Here are five of our best reasons to buy instead of rent.

#1. Your House, Your Choice

A lot of freedom comes with homeownership – like the freedom to do as you please within your own walls. Want to knock out the island in the kitchen to free up space for you and your family? Or paint over that awful-colored wallpaper plastered across the walls of the primary bath? You can do it. You can change anything you’d like, and you don’t have to ask permission from a landlord. Just be sure to keep building codes in mind for the more extreme projects.

Painting, remodeling, or adding on is all under your control, allowing you to turn your home into everything you want it to be.

#2. Say Goodbye to the Hassles of Apartment Life

If you’re familiar with apartment life, you know it doesn’t come without these frustrations.

Less Privacy: One of the biggest frustrations about living in an apartment is sharing walls with strangers. Hearing their favorite Netflix show or private conversations isn’t exactly the background noise you want when you’re trying to relax in the living room after a long day at work.

Parking: When living in an apartment, you are left with two main options for parking, street parking or a paid spot – and are we really sure of the better choice? Street parking, depending on where you live, can be a safety hazard as well as an inconvenience, and paying for a parking spot is just another charge to tack on the list, along with rent, utilities, electricity, and WiFi. Owning your own home makes parking one less thing to worry about.

Pet Fees: Having pets can limit your living opportunities if you rent an apartment. Some landlords will even ban pets, but others charge fees anywhere from $10-200 monthly. Owning your own home removes this, allowing you to welcome as many pets as possible.

Say goodbye to the hassles of apartment living when you buy instead of rent.

#3. Reap Tax Benefits

As discussed in our previous blog post, there are so many tax benefits to take advantage of when you become a homeowner. To name a few…

Mortgage Interest

Home Equity Loan Interest

Property Taxes

Discount Points

Mortgage Insurance (PMI)

Necessary Home Improvements

Home Office Expenses

These deductions can save you thousands of dollars when all is said and done.

#4. It’s Cheaper Long-Term 

It’s no secret that the price of renting has increased across the nation at a fast pace. Last year, the average percentage increase in rent was 12.2% for new tenants and 3.5% for tenants making a lease renewal, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

One of the many benefits of becoming a homeowner is that your monthly mortgage payment won’t change {assuming you’ve chosen a fixed-rate mortgage).

Think of it this way. Each month as a renter, you are handing over your payment with nothing to show for it when you move out. But as a buyer, you are putting money on your mortgage in hopes of paying it off – thus building equity – and eventually even selling it for a profit someday.

#5. Settle Down with Peace of Mind

Aside from being able to make decisions about the appearance of your home and what you do with it – there is a sense of security that comes with being your own landlord. When you are renting, there is always the chance your landlord will choose not to extend your lease for many reasons, like selling the property or other circumstances, leaving you searching for a new place to call home. Owning a home makes it yours and offers the peace of mind you may not always feel as a renter.

We hope this blog post helped provide you with some of the very best reasons to buy a home. If you are looking for a real estate agent to help make your house-hunting experience a seamless and exciting one, don’t hesitate to contact . We look forward to helping you meet your real estate needs.

IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT SELLING your Bay Area property, it is important you hire a real estate team of professionals with an extensive portfolio of home sales, a significant list of happy clients and a history of excellence.

The Laugesen Team has the experience, connections and creativity to list and sell your distinctive property successfully.

• Pricing for Success
• Prepare for Top Sale
• Impressive Marketing
• State of the Art Technology
• Network with other High-End Agents

• Always available to show qualified buyers and agents.
• Schedule Open Houses and Broker’s Tour
• Follow-Up Quickly and Consistently
• Immediately respond to all leads.
• Encourage serious buyers to make serious offers.
• Facilitate the closing process to ensure a successful, competitively priced, stress-free sale.

By cortney
December 6, 2022

What Our Clients Say About Us!

Customer satisfaction is the primary goal of our real estate business. To that end, we are passionate about meeting and surpassing our client’s expectations. We are very fortunate to have formed excellent partnerships with many of our clients. And we’ve formed more than just working relationships with them; we have formed true friendships. Here’s what they’re saying about us.:


“Denise is a fantastic realtor who has helped me to purchase and sell 4 different properties in Hillsborough and Burlingame. She did a phenomenal job on all 4 of those transactions and went far beyond the scope of her realtor responsibilities. When I locked myself out of my home at 2:00 am, Denise answered my call on the first ring and brought me a key to get in (at 2:00 am!!!). When there was a sudden leak in my irrigation system while I was out of town, Denise handled it right away. She and her daughter, Cortney, actually dug a hole in the ground to find where it was coming from and had it fixed right away. Denise also has a lot of networking power and knows how to quickly find buyers. She is also a shrewd negotiator and gets the best possible sales price. She also has expert attention to all of the contractual details of a sales/purchase contract. She’s also very responsive and when I make a request of her, all I have to do is text her one time, and it’s very quickly done. Denise is also one of the nicest people I’ve ever known, so it’s a pleasure doing business with her. I can’t recommend her enough for your real estate needs. 


– KB Burlingame


“Had a wonderful experience selling our home with Denise Laugesen and her team at Keller Williams. We were referred to Denise, and right off the bat, we were impressed with her review of our home and proposal on her approach to the prep, marketing and sale of our home. Denise was very familiar with our specific market and had excellent comparables to help us understand and align on our goals for the sale. Denise also listened and worked hard to meet our specific needs when it came to supporting on the prep for the sale. We were also very happy with the robust communication we had during the entire process. She was always reachable and supportive for any needs that arose over the course of the process. We also had a great experience with her team, who were also very professional and supportive. Denise also has a great group of contractors she uses for the sale prep work. In the end the process went smoothly, quickly and our result was great! We would have no hesitation in recommending Denise and her team.”


– Felice Stahl


“Thank you very much to Denise Laugesen and her strong team at Keller Williams. 26 years ago Denise, now our “go to” real estate professional, helped me when I bought the house she just helped us sell – now so many years later. She, her partner Cortney, and their team, including the prepping subcontractors and stagers, are seasoned professionals who know the market and how to work with it to maximize success. Once we said “go” to Denise, they took off and, finessed pivoting in the rapidly changing market of early 2022 to create success for us. Denise and Cortney know what it takes in a changing market to succeed. With seasoned knowledge, experience, planning, persistence, professionalism, regular communication throughout, and a strong support team, all worked together to achieve a win for us. We strongly recommend Denise and her team.!”


– KH


“Stacy LaRosa is the ultimate professional, a mover and a shaker. Stacy assisted in listing and selling my home in San Mateo. From the moment she stepped foot into the home, she knew what needed to be done to prepare and make it ready to market and sell.
Stacy followed through from vendor coordination to staging to the sale of the home. She obtained an offer over asking with a 14-day close of escrow, ALL CASH.

At times, things were not going according to plan but she handled it with ease, making sure that I was always informed and kept in the loop.

The Laugesen Team is amazing and clearly knows how to market and sell the property.”


– Liz Horn


“Believe me – call them first. Denise and her team are excellent. As a mom of three young kids, I needed quite a bit of help getting the house ready to sell. Denise and Cortney came to view the home on a Saturday, and we had and we made a master plan while sitting at our dining room table. Their advice for what to fix or change was spot on. They coordinated with all the contractors. I am essentially color blind so I relied on them to choose everything from the paint colors to the yard plants. The house looked amazing! After two short months, we were on the market. Since Denise and Cortney have lived in the area their whole lives, they have an extensive network of agents to work with and excellent insight into the housing market in that area. Our San Mateo Park house was on the market and sold in a week for over asking. The Laugesen Team has high-quality partners and the results are clear as the pictures and photos are excellent, the home staging was excellent. If you are selling your home – call the Laugesen Team to get top sales prices and the best experience.”


– Susan Weiver


“Selling a house and buying another concurrently in the Bay Area can always be tricky. When you decide to do that at the height of a global pandemic, you sign up for a wild ride. We were on this ride for several months this year, and could not have had a better guide and companion than Denise. From day one she was highly driven to stage our house and market it broadly to maximum effect. As we entered a contingent contract on our purchase, she helped us navigate between multiple potential buyers, while carefully managing the timelines of both transactions toward successful sequential closings. Throughout this process, she handled all the necessary steps, while also giving us daily updates that kept us well-informed and grounded. There was never any doubt that she was 100% in our corner, willing to do whatever it took to make things happen for us. She has stood by us from beginning to end, and remains with us now, as a valued adviser and friend long after both deals are done. Thank you Denise and the entire Laugesen Team!”


– Eldad Persky


Is there a 6th star? I would give it!

When we decided to buy our next home in Hillsborough, we asked around and it seemed that all roads led to Denise & Cortney. Denise helped us as sellers and buyers, and her understanding of the local market is unrivaled. She marketed our house broad and wide, and got us multiple bids quickly and efficiently.

In the purchase of our new home, she was respectful of our time, our budget and our needs and brought us on and off-market leads that were exactly what we had profiled. she was able to find us our perfect home and guide us through the purchase to a quick close. Little did we know that that was just the beginning of our relationship with Denise! We have stayed in touch and she has been our mentor for all things Hillsborough, and has continuously helped us through difficult remodeling work through her expansive network and relationships.

My husband and I appreciate everything Denise has done for us, and we cannot imagine having done it without her!! We will never work with another agent in the Bay Area and have referred several friends and family to her, all of which were super-happy with her as well!


– Ayelet Steinitz


“I can’t say enough good things about Cortney Laugesen. With her guidance, my husband and I were able to buy the very first house we offered for. She is extremely well-connected and has been able to give excellent recommendations for local businesses to do work at our new home. If you’re looking to buy a home in San Mateo, call Cortney — she’s the best!”


– Katherin Goodman


“I cannot speak highly enough of Denise, Stacy, and their whole team. Her professionalism, knowledge, honesty, integrity, and strong work ethic were very much appreciated and respected. She is meticulous, honest, great with people and has a wealth of knowledge of the industry and the area.

She turned our somewhat tired little North Shoreview house into a showstopper that anyone would be happy to live in (including me once it was done 😉). Her design sense and eye for what buyers want, truly helped to transform our property. All the while sticking to the agreed-upon budget. Her ideas and Rolodex of contacts and contractors helped us sell our house for much more than expected. She took charge and took care of everything, which made an already stressful time, that much easier on us. We would recommend her to anyone looking to buy or sell their home!!”


– Valerie Zahn


“Fate smiled upon us when we happened to meet Denise and Stacy randomly at an open house. We could tell from a quick chat that they were vastly knowledgeable and friendly. As first-time home buyers, we had a million questions and constantly changed aspects of the search. They were more than accommodating, got their whole team involved, and were priceless resources in the end. There aren’t enough good things we could say about them and their team. We never felt neglected; they were on top of EVERY DETAIL (I seriously don’t know how they were able to keep track of everything), they tactfully offered up their opinions which we were thankful we could rely on (what’s good for resale, what’s trendy, etc), they connected us with contractors that have been wonderful to work with so far (also way cheaper than other bids we received). The whole experience was great and we will continue to rely on them for future home sales/purchases. Can’t recommend them enough.”


– Caleb


“Denise and team are very skilled in understanding what interests buyers, and how to market properties and drive to closure at a price that is aligned with the local market. No fluff, gets to the point, stays focused, and is always professional.

They handled everything, even the coordination of contractor services that were timely, fairly priced, and done with high quality.

Highest recommendations for the Laugesen Team!”


– Tom Monaghan





IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT SELLING your Bay Area property, it is important you hire a real estate team of professionals with an extensive portfolio of home sales, a significant list of happy clients and a history of excellence.

The Laugesen Team has the experience, connections and creativity to list and sell your distinctive property successfully.

• Pricing for Success
• Prepare for Top Sale
• Impressive Marketing
• State of the Art Technology
• Network with other High-End Agents

• Always available to show qualified buyers and agents.
• Schedule Open Houses and Broker’s Tour
• Follow-Up Quickly and Consistently
• Immediately respond to all leads.
• Encourage serious buyers to make serious offers.
• Facilitate the closing process to ensure a successful, competitively priced, stress-free sale.

By cortney
November 28, 2022


I should’ve bought a house last year when interest rates were low.
Maybe that’s true, but you can’t go back now! Don’t let the should’ves, could’ves, would’ves stand in the way of achieving your dream of homeownership! We can’t predict what will happen in the real estate market over the next few months, but I can tell you this. Owning your home helps to create your overall wealth!
Here are 3 ways to get a better interest rate and save money on your next mortgage:
1. Look into a temporary rate buydown
A temporary interest rate buydown is not a long-term solution but is a way to temporarily lower your interest rate for the first few years of the loan. This financing tool allows you to reduce the cost of your mortgage payment in exchange for an up-front cash deposit. Talk with your lender to learn more and see if a temporary rate buydown is a good option for you!
2. Improve your credit score
Your credit score plays a huge role in qualifying for a mortgage and can also help you get a better interest rate. Lenders typically view a high credit score as an indicator that you’ll be a strong and safe borrower. Improving your credit can help you to get a lower interest rate, as your lender will feel more confident that you’ll be responsible with new credit. Start by disputing errors if necessary, making payments on time, and paying down your credit balances to boost your credit.
3. Make a larger down payment
The more money you put down on a home, the better your chances are of getting a lower interest rate on your mortgage. Making a sizable down payment will give you a lower loan-to-value ratio (LTV), and lenders will see you as less risky of a borrower since you have more stake in the property.
One of the first steps in the home-buying process is to work with a mortgage lender to get your finances in order. If you need a lender in SEATTLE, send me a message, and I’d be happy to connect you with a couple of my preferred lenders!


IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT SELLING your Bay Area property, it is important you hire a real estate team of professionals with an extensive portfolio of home sales, a significant list of happy clients and a history of excellence.

The Laugesen Team has the experience, connections and creativity to list and sell your distinctive property successfully.

• Pricing for Success
• Prepare for Top Sale
• Impressive Marketing
• State of the Art Technology
• Network with other High-End Agents

• Always available to show qualified buyers and agents.
• Schedule Open Houses and Broker’s Tour
• Follow-Up Quickly and Consistently
• Immediately respond to all leads.
• Encourage serious buyers to make serious offers.
• Facilitate the closing process to ensure a successful, competitively priced, stress-free sale.

By cortney
November 23, 2022


Before Covid-19, open houses seemed to be a Sunday staple activity for would-be homebuyers. However, as the pandemic put a halt to almost all in-person activities, the number of open houses dwindled—sellers didn’t want strangers in their homes, and buyers didn’t want to be in the company of too many people.

Although just 4 percent of buyers purchase their homes through open houses, 41 percent still visit open houses as their first step in the home-buying process. To overcome this hurdle, REALTORS® began providing virtual open houses for their clients. And due to the lack of inventory during these past two years, it surprisingly became more commonplace for buyers to purchase a home sight unseen.

As of July 2022, the number of existing homes sold fell for the fifth consecutive month.  This slowdown has impacted the number of days a home has been on the market forcing price reductions, which has resulted in an increase in available inventory in some real estate markets. Additionally, 44 percent of agents have reported that with this increase, they have observed a downturn in bidding wars. Hence, buyers who had been sitting on the sidelines waiting for a shift for more favorable market conditions are now beginning to return to the home buying process, and REALTORS® realized the need to conduct open houses on a more regular basis.

Making the Most of Open Houses


With busy schedules and day-to-day juggling activities, attending open houses may be more suitable for a buyer’s lifestyle as they begin the homebuying process. The flexibility it offers to view homes at their own pace is often a desirable option. Open houses are great tools for homebuyers to obtain as much information about a home in a more relaxed, stress-free environment.


The benefits of having an open house will increase the overall foot traffic into your home and create more visibility. The more exposure your home receives, the more likely you’ll receive multiple offers, possibly driving the sales price higher.

To make the most of an open house remember:  

  1. Buyers should come prepared with questions to ask their realtors essential information about the home and take notes for later review to help in decision-making.

  2. Staging and elevating the home’s curb appeal is critical to creating a lasting positive first impression which has been shown to increase the sale price by an average of 7 percent.


IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT SELLING your Bay Area property, it is important you hire a real estate team of professionals with an extensive portfolio of home sales, a significant list of happy clients and a history of excellence.

The Laugesen Team has the experience, connections and creativity to list and sell your distinctive property successfully.

• Pricing for Success
• Prepare for Top Sale
• Impressive Marketing
• State of the Art Technology
• Network with other High-End Agents

• Always available to show qualified buyers and agents.
• Schedule Open Houses and Broker’s Tour
• Follow-Up Quickly and Consistently
• Immediately respond to all leads.
• Encourage serious buyers to make serious offers.
• Facilitate the closing process to ensure a successful, competitively priced, stress-free sale.

By cortney
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